Friday 23 June 2017

Book Talk

                                                    📖 Book Talk📖

My book is called Friday Barnes Big Trouble by R.A Spratt this book is all about mysteries and adventures.The main character in this book is Friday. The latest mystery in the book is about a Pimpernel and a pimpernel is a person who steels things, for example a computer or a watch, so he or she goes around steeling things and Friday has her odd ways of finding them out. You will be shocked on how she finds it out and who the person is. You will have heaps fun trying to figure out who the person is. Sophie was the person who introduced these books to me and since then some of my other friends have read the series and have really enjoyed them. I rate this book 10/10, because it just makes you want to never put down the book.


  1. sounds sooooooo interesting. I'd love to read it some time. You make it sound sooo cool. No jokes =)

  2. very good. I would love to read it

    1. but you gave it to me because you didn't like the first book

    2. but you gave it to me because you didn't like the first book
